ISBN: PB: 9780300207651

Yale University Press

June 2015

288 pp.

21,0x14,0 cm

6 black&white illus.

26.00 GBP


Hearing-Loss Guide

Useful Information and Advice for Patients and Families

Although millions of people could use good advice about hearing loss, it turns out that asking is difficult, and accurate advice is hard to come by. This book directly addresses the problem: it provides useful, first-hand advice from people who have experienced hearing loss themselves, along with accurate treatment information from a highly experienced audiologist. Prompted to write this book by a patient who thought the reality of hearing loss and its associated problems could only be truly understood by someone with personal experience, audiologist John M. Burkey gathered information from his own patients and their spouses. "The Hearing-Loss Guide" presents their candid recommendations for anyone who suffers hearing loss, as well as families, friends, and co-workers. The author opens with chapters on the basics of hearing loss, hearing aids and other devices, and treatments. He then turns to his patients, who discuss coping with hearing loss, the real-life consequences of losing hearing, how to get help, adapting to a hearing aid, and other useful topics. Family members also offer valuable advice. A resource guide completes this indispensable volume.

About the author

John M. Burkey has been a practicing audiologist for 25 years and is director of audiology at the Lippy Group for Ear, Nose, and Throat in Warren, Ohio. He is author of "Baby Boomers and Hearing Loss" and "Overcoming Hearing Aid Fears: The Road to Better Hearing". He lives in Kent, OH.


"This is a great and needful perspective in addressing an issue so prevalent and debilitating-affecting so many people in the world today... This book will empower its readers to seek and find the help that could really make a difference in their lives" – Robert L. Daniels, M.D., F.A.C.S., from the Foreword

"Well-written and easy to read, 'The Hearing-Loss Guide' helps individuals with hearing loss and their communication partners navigate the challenging process of living successfully with hearing loss" – Kathleen M. Cienkowski, Ph.D. CCC/A, Program Director of Audiology, University of Connecticut

"A state-of-the-art guide to hearing loss and treatment that uniquely combines comprehensive, expert information with the authentic voices of people with hearing loss" – David G. Myers, author of "A Quiet World: Living with Hearing Loss"