ISBN: PB: 9781915054203

Legend Times Group, University of Buckingham Press

November 2022

112 pp.

29,0x21,0 cm

24.99 GBP

Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch

Teacher Book: Research-Informed Approaches

Who is this book written for?
This book is aimed at KS2 (grade 2-5 in US) primary (elementary) teachers and secondary teachers who use Scratch to teach programming.

Why was it written?
To introduce a range of research supported programming methodology that works in the classroom in a way that non-specialist teachers can put it into action in their own classrooms. To share the joy and creativity of block-based programming through knowledge that leads to greater progress and higher pupil agency.

Is This Book Still Useful If You Choose Other Resources To Teach?
Yes, research-informed methods are always useful in improving the knowledge you choose to teach, the order or progression you choose to teach it in and the methodologies and support strategies you choose to use. This book is written to aid the scheme but also includes many other strategies and methodologies that you might find useful that are not fully utilised in the scheme.

About the author

As a Computing at Schools Regional Coordinator and Primary Computing Master Teacher, Phil Bagge has been sharing his expertise with the teaching community for well over ten years. Phil was involved in creating and refining the new Computing Curriculum through the BCS and CAS. He currently teaches computing science in three Hampshire junior schools where he has created a curriculum that covers all the objectives of the new National Curriculum.